Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yellowstone Opens

The fishing season opened in Yellowstone National Park today, which gave local anglers a few more choices on places to fish right now. With just about everything else high and muddy around here, Rachael, Charlotte and I headed up to the firehole today to give it a shot. The weather was tough, but the fishing was good. The temps never got above 40 degrees, and it was raining on and off. The river is hovering around 600 cfs right now, which is a little high, but the clarity was just fine. It's basically tea-colored with plenty of visibility. Nymphing was very productive. Pheasant tails, soft-hackles and sally nymphs did the trick. We also threw some small buggers which worked well also. There was no hatch all day...I think it was a little too cold. Hopefully, if we get a litlle warmer, we'll start to see some bugs on top. The river was surprisingly uncrowded for opening day. More later!

1 comment:

Tom Putnam said...

Sounds like a fine outing Mark. George and I went to Jenny Lake to give the new motor a trial. The steady rain and frigid wind kept the fish down - they had not gotten the email about the ice being out! We did manage to land one nice laker so all was not lost. Love the blog!