Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Wyoming! Thanks to all of my clients and fellow guides for such a great summer on the river last year...I couldn't have done it without you. The weather here has been very dry lately, and we are barely seeing a white Christmas. There's probably more snow in Central Park, New York, than there is in our yard right now. Hopefully this will change soon! I'm already receiving emails from some of you inquiring on fishing next summer...can't wait! Our big holiday gift this year was the birth of our second daughter...Hannah Victoria Fuller was born on Monday morning. Mom and daughter are doing great. Charlotte now has a little sister she can teach to fish! If anyone has not been visiting Josh Graffam's site, you should be. has some great photos following Josh's 3 month adventure currently happening right now in New Zealand. I'm very jealous. The year is almost over, so don't forget to make your tax-deductible donation to Trout Unlimited...they need our help! Here's a shot of our new addition, as well as one of my favorite shots of Charlotte from last summer. See you in 2010.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One Fly Board

The Jackson Hole One Fly board typically meets in mid-December to make evaluations and decisions on who will be fishing in the upcoming event. As some of you may know, I made my debut in the 2009 event as an angler (instead of a guide), on team This Is Fly. John Holland, Jon Wylie and Peter Chung have applied again, and have invited me to fish with them again! After guiding in the event for so many years, I was not sure what to expect when I competed in it this year. It really exceeded my was a lot of fun. I'll gladly show up this year with this team...hopefully we can beat our ninth place finish from 2009. This week finally saw some better snowfall in the valley and the mountains. The higher elevations picked up a few feet of snow over the weekend, which is great news for skiers. It's also great news for anglers, since we need to start building our snowpack for our 2010 water year. We've made great strides concerning our reservoir levels over the past two years, it would be a setback to see a drought winter this year. At the moment, we seem to be in an "El Nino" flow, which typically does not bring us much moisture. The jet stream is splitting, bringing snow to the southwest, and the northwest, but bypassing much of the northern Rockies. Hopefully, this will change as the winter progresses. My daughter Charlotte turned 2 years old on Sunday. Among other things, she got her very first pair of skis! For now, she'll learn to walk with them step at a time. While we wait for more snow, my thoughts will always drift to fly fishing. I've been daydreaming about the Wind River Canyon lately...hmmm. Here's a great shot of me and Darren Calhoun with a typical canyon brown. More soon!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


My good friend and Jack Dennis fishing client Ned Desmond successfully launched "gofishn" this week,and it looks great. The fishing community now has its own "facebook" like website which connects anglers, guides and outfitters. Go to to check it out, or if you would like to see my profile page, click on the gofishn link off of my link list below. Once enough people join, it will really create a national spiderweb of connectivity among us all. There are already some great photos on there from a variety of anglers. The weather has still been very cold, will no significant snow fall yet. Rachael and I took Charlotte today up into the Gros Ventre mountains to cut our Christmas tree. As we were heading north out of Kelly, we came across what we thought was a herd of bison, but as we got closer, we realized that they were Moose...12 of them! I've never seen so many moose congregated in one spot. Here's a photo of them...enjoy!