Sunday, December 5, 2010


Rachael and I took the girls today on our annual hunt for our Christmas tree. It's a great tradition that usually involves good four-wheel driving through the Bridger-Teton National Forest, hiking through the snow and some good hot chocolate. It was a great day for it...the temps were in the high 30's which made it very pleasant. We chose a spot South of town that I had never explored before; I think we'll check it out again this summer in search of some fish! On the drive out, Charlotte actually asked: "Daddy, are we going fishing?". I guess it looked fishy. Not bad considering she is just about to turn only 3! If you have not seen the Trout Unlimited live feed that I have on this site (all the way down on the right side), check it out and click on "A Monster on the Horizon". Wild Salmon fisheries may be facing a new threat: genetically modified fish that could do irreparable harm to the wild strains. Scary stuff. If you are not a TU member, consider joining today! It is a critical non-profit organization that has the sole mission of protecting our nations cold-water fisheries. Check them out.

1 comment:

StridArt said...

Awesome! I took my kids on Saturday (pre-cut at a X-mass Tree parking lot) - I vow to move back to JH and cut my own tree with them some day. Nice family! Lucky man.