Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Green With Envy

For those readers not already aware of the "Million Pipeline" project on the table in Wyoming, I'd like to get you up to speed. I've been reading about this for quite some time, and just came across a video that I had not seen before (see below). A developer in Colorado is proposing a plan to pipe billions of gallons of water from the Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Wyoming and Utah (on the Green River), all the way to the front range of Colorado. They would be calling for over 80 billion gallons of water a year to travel over 550 miles to the Colorado front-range metropolis. With a surge in population in this area over the past 20 years, there is simply not enough water to go around. Every drop of the Colorado River is already being used. What is so troubling for me is the fact that there is way too much water being used already to grow lawns and manicure golf courses in this area. The potential impacts of a project of this magnitude are certainly numerous. The environmental impacts on the lake itself, as well as on the world-class fishery below the dam on the Green River, could be monumental. Lower water levels, both on the lake and on the river will likely cause water temperature shifts which would adversely affect insect and fish life. Minimum water flows out of the dam may no longer be met. Along with this, the livelihoods of farmers, as well as outfitters, guides and lodge owners could be devastated. Make sure to check out this video as well as this link to Fly Fisherman to learn more! Also, check out Our Damn Water as well, to get involved! The photo above of Stan Czarniak putting me on the goods shows just how special this area of the Green River is.

Green with Envy from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.

They're calling for over 5 feet of snow over the next 5 days here in the Tetons...great news for skiers and anglers. Hopefully Colorado is getting some water too :)

1 comment:

Milady said...

Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com