Friday, November 1, 2013

Redfish On The Fly

Where did the the Summer go? I'm sorry to all my readers for not keeping up on my blog updates this year more regularly. Life in the Pacific Northwest has been busy, and time is just escaping me! My more limited involvement in our business has simply diverted me to other ventures at the moment. Thanks to all the friends of Grand Teton Fly Fishing for such a successful 2013...we couldn't have done it without you! Despite some wild weather and high water conditions on the Snake, fishing was pretty darn good. I did not get back to Jackson as much as I had hoped, but was very excited to get continuous reports from friends and clients on their fishing. I've been getting out as much as possible with the my "two-hander" (read: Spey Rod), and am finally getting the "swing" of it. (Traditional techniques for Steelhead involve swinging flies in suspicious water, looking for native Chrome).

Wade from Ryan Griffin on Vimeo.

Here's a few photos of some of the better fish I've bumped into in Oregon and Washington. A nice native Steelhead Buck on the swing, as well as a 20+ pound King Salmon on the fly. I also want to give a shout out to my buddy Ryan "Ike" Griffin. Check out this fantastic video here that he produced this year. It just won first place in the Charleston Angler Go Pro Film Fest last week. Nice job Ryan, I love it! I've not had the chance to chase Redfish yet, and now I can't wait.
Also enjoy a great photo I just came across recently from legendary Jackson guide Boots Allen. He's hoisting a beautiful Snake River Cutty released into cool Fall waters in the canyon.

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