Saturday, July 19, 2008

Great Week on the Green

It's been a fantastic week of guiding on the Green River! The river above and below Warren Bridge is in prime shape. The drakes are still pouring off in huge numbers in the mornings, while the afternoon has seen good yellow sally hatches. Try a size 10 or 12 parachute hare's ear behind a larger attractor, like any of the chernobyl ant varieties. The river is hovering around 1000 cfs and is still easily floated. The Snake flows out of Jackson Lake Dam have dropped to about 2400 cfs, however the Buffalo Fork is still putting in a silty 1750 cfs, keeping the river pretty high still. The color at Moose is not too bad with over a foot of visibility, but is still almost 6000 cfs there. I may take a local angler on Monday for an exploratory mission. Here are a couple of fine fish from the Green this week with Amy and Fred Thranhardt, a father and daughter team I regularly guide. Nice fish!

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