Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guide's Trip

A few of the Jack Dennis guides piled into three boats yesterday to float the Upper South Fork for our annual guides day. The day started with a very greasy (but filling) breakfast at the Angus in Swan Valley. We were on the water about 7 hours, and had pretty good fishing. I spent the day in Scott Smith's boat, along with Tom Montgomery. The day was filled with as much story telling from the guide season as it was with actual fishing. Action was good on streamers all day. There was a very good Midge and Baetis hatch that started late in the morning, and really peaked at about 4 o'clock. There were many pods of rising fish to cast to, but they were tough. There was a lot of food on the water under very bright skies; the fishing felt like they had been seeing some pressure. We did not see any real monsters in our boat...oh well! It was a lot of fun though! We officially bid Jeff Currier farewell at our lunch site...good luck Jeff! He's got a great new blog that should be highlighting his post-Jack Dennis pursuits... check it out... http://flyfishingbum.blogspot.com/ Now would be a great time to go walk the South Fork with a dry fly rod and some light tippet. Fishing from noon until dark should be good. Size 18-22 midges and olives got the most attention.

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