Monday, August 2, 2010

The Boat Parade

Traffic on the Snake was noticeably higher least where I was floating in Teton Park. There were at least a dozen boats on the same stretch I was on, and I felt like I was playing a chess game with my boat all day. Trying to secure a spot in some of my favorite areas was difficult. Oh well...I guess it's August now. Fishing was decent...we saw plenty of fish to the net in the 8" to 12" class. Most of the bigger fish we saw were very shy, likely due to the bright sun and the amount of boats going by today. Many looked up, and went right back down. I've had a variety of anglers recently, covering the entire spectrum of abilities. Beginners are certainly fun to take, and sometimes easier, because they often have very low expectations. Some novices actually think that they won't even catch a fish, but they always do. The more advanced anglers can sometimes be harder; finding bigger fish is often the goal. It's fun, though, being on the oars watching a "rod" work the water. I often learn something new about how to cast or present a fly when I have a good angler in the boat. Here's my tip of the day: keep the fly on the water! The anglers that false cast incessantly, or are constantly tangled up simply don't do as well. Their flies are just not spending enough time on the water. When it's time to cast, pick up just once, and present it in one cast. Yesterday was the opener on Flat Creek through the National Elk Refuge. I worked in the shop for a few hours yesterday afternoon, and had numerous people stop by with reports of big fish being caught. Get out there soon before they get too educated! Here's a couple of shots from No Tell Canyon last weekend; Stan Czarniak and I hit the trail in Southern Montana in search of large Brown Trout and struck gold. More soon!

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