Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I had the chance to catch the 2013 Fly Fishing Film Tour here in Portland last weekend. It really exceeded my expectations in terms of quality of films and just the overall message that the films projected. There were certainly plenty of scenes of exceptional fish being held by accomplished anglers, and exciting stories of adventure travel and exploration in search of elusive fish. It was even more exciting for me to see some faces of people I know personally in the industry, such as Mike Dawes, Paul Puckett, Matt Hansen and Adam Trina. The most satisfying part of the festival was that all of the films had some underlying message being conveyed about conservation. It's very easy to get wrapped up in our busy lives and then head out for a day on our favorite rivers without thinking about the bigger picture. Many of these rivers and watersheds that we love so much are in peril, and we should not take them for granted. I've always tried to stay involved with Trout Unlimited, and have been active around our new home in Oregon with the Native Fish Society. In addition to annual dues, I try to do as much volunteering each year as I can. I truly wish I had more money to contribute and more time to spend on the ground with these guys, but I just don't...having two young kids will do that. When I can, I like to use this journal to spread the word though. As you know from previous blog posts, I've discussed some concerns with the ludicrous plan to pump Green River water some 500 miles to the Front Range of Colorado. Fortunately, for now, it looks like this idea is quickly losing steam. This does not mean, though, that the Colorado system does not need our help. My good buddy Tom Sadler (who is the "Key Grip" at the Middle River Group , as well as an ace Tenkara Angler , passed along a link introducing me to Protect the Flows. Protect the Flows is a coalition of over 700 businesses that depend on a healthy Colorado River system. These businesses are from communities up and down the Colorado River and its tributaries. Even if you are not a business owner along the Colorado or its tributaries, please click on this link to learn much more about the state of this watershed. Check these guys out, it's important stuff!

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