Thursday, March 14, 2013

Images From The Salt

It's usually about this time of year that anglers living around the 45th parallel either start seriously thinking about Spring Trout fishing, or better yet a Saltwater flats getaway. There's nothing better than escaping a cold, wet winter to a barefoot paradise comprised of sightfishing. It's been a number of years since I've had the chance to get down to the flats to chase things like Bonefish, Permit or Tarpon. I know my buddies back in Jackson are just starting to get on the Snake, and from the reports I've received, it's fishing nicely. Winter Steelhead is in "full swing" right now in my neck of the woods on most area rivers. My good buddy Brian Hodges, owner of Doublehaul Travel, just recently returned from the infamous Bair's Lodge on the island of Andros, in the Bahamas. He passed along a suite of photos to me today that made me incredibly jealous! He hosted a trip down there with some local (Portland) boys from Nike, including my friend Bill Farnum. Bill's passion for Fly-Fishing and fundraising led him to start Casting 4 A Cure, a non-profit charged with finding a cure for Rett Syndrome. Make sure to check out this link to learn more! I've been doing more skiing than fishing lately, exploring the runs and backcountry around Mt. Hood. I did get the chance to fish a few weeks ago, though, on the river "X" with my buddy Michigan Mike. He grabbed me blindfolded at 5 am to do a 6 mile float of this under the radar Steelhead mecca. We sighted a few fish, but didn't get any to grab the fly. I learned a ton though, thanks Mike! (Here's a shot of Mike waiting for the grab...) More soon!

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